Do you have a missing tooth?
Are you weighing your options regarding tooth restoration?
Does a dental bridge seem to make the most sense financially?
If you have a missing tooth and want to restore that gap in your mouth, it is essential to consider the differences between a dental bridge and a dental implant.
Dental bridges have replaced teeth for generations of individuals. However, they have some drawbacks:
- They are a 3-tooth solution to a 1-tooth problem—the adjacent teeth must be prepped and crowned to hold the replacement (floating) tooth.
- It is hard to properly clean the small areas under the bridge.
- A dental bridge does not guard against bone recession at the extraction site.
Why does a tooth implant have key advantages over a dental bridge?
- It is a 1-tooth solution to a 1-tooth problem.
- It is usually stronger.
- Will lessen the risk of bone recession (as compared to a bridge) because it replaces the tooth root.
- It is usually easier to keep clean which results in a lower risk of decay.
- They commonly last longer.
- Dental implants can support a denture or partial denture.
If you need to replace a tooth, talk to your Yuma dentist about dental financing options. If you decide on a dental implant, it will probably be less pricey in the long run.
If you want to learn more about dental implants, I invite you to call The Yuma Dentist at 928-783-0804. I am dentist Dr. Mann, and I am passionate about restoring smiles for my patients with sensational permanent restorations. Call today to schedule a dental implant consultation at my Yuma office.
Contact The Yuma Dentist:
Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):
1630 S Pacific Ave Ste 104
Yuma, AZ